
Showing posts from November, 2021

Dealing With Darkness- Depression, Anxiety, Addiction, Fear, etc.

Dealing With Darkness The rising sun dispels all darkness. Watercolor by Nikki Dealing with Darkness (Depression, Anxiety, Addiction, Fear, etc.) One day after working with a client who was suffering from severe anxiety, I was pondering depression and anxiety and how it is such a plague of our day.  The very next morning during my scripture study, I came across a story in Helaman chapter 5 of the Book of Mormon; one which I had read a hundred times but until then, had never seen anything but a story. This time reading, the Lord opened a new level of understanding to me. Nephi the son of Helaman had been the Chief Judge in the land but had resigned from that office to spend the rest of his days trying to turn the hearts of his people back to God.  His brother Lehi joined him and they taught all throughout the land with incredible success even among the Lamanites. At one point, when among a different group, they were imprisoned for several days without food.  When the Lamanites c