Deeply Rooted


Deeply Rooted
Deep Belief vs. Deep Relationship

Am I deeply rooted in Christ? That's the question of the day...

I’m just going to be completely honest and vulnerable here in the hopes that I am not the only one feeling this way and maybe this soul searching can help more than myself.

This morning as I awoke I pondered on my flounderings spiritually.  I have felt like the last few years I have just been going in circles & spinning my wheels. Although I do feel my efforts moving me upward, it seems like for every step forward I get pushed back two.  I think I know what I need to do physically, emotionally and spiritually to get from A to Z but for some reason I am having trouble actually doing it all.   It just feels like everything is progressively mounting against me... (but good news...I've been told that that is a good sign though, so, ok…let's get back on the horse!) 

So this morning, I decided I needed to attempt AGAIN to pray with specific questions, to trust that answers will come (this is where the adversary really kicks me around), and to record the impressions that come and then, of course, its also kind of important to follow through haha.  

Anyway, I found my notebook and I believe Heaven was answering me before I even prayed, because I decided to flip it open to see what things I had previously written. 11 months ago was my last entry (facepalm!)  and it was all about how I had failed to follow through on impressions received the year before that…(Double facepalm!!) & also how I had come to the conclusion that the thing I needed most to focus on was my relationship with my Heavenly Parents and my Savior Jesus Christ.  This was back in November 2019.  

Well, apparently this whole crazy year of 2020 really distracted me because I have not even opened that notebook since and I had completely forgotten about my resolve to intentionally develop that relationship.  Granted, I have been all the while deepening my testimony through daily prayer and study , etc, which undoubtedly has deepened that relationship too but apparently not yet in the intimate way the Spirit had meant when prompting me earlier. 

So here I go again, trying to get to the bottom of the single most important thing we can do in this life.  It’s interesting that the words “get to the bottom of” are what came as I  typed… as that really is the whole gist of it anyway, right?  The “bottom” is the bedrock.  And if we want to survive and thrive in these winding up scenes in the history of the world, the ONLY foundation that will not crumble is one deeply embedded in THE rock, JESUS CHRIST.  

But as I ponder on this, I'm seeing that there are different types of personal "foundations".

One type, is the one I am trying to transition out of right now:  A general, although deep, belief that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world and that, yes, He loves us so much that he was willing to take upon Himself everything any, and all of us, would ever experience, and then to lay down His life for us.

I am reminded of the first cornerstones of the Salt lake temple. “The original cornerstones were made of firestone from Red Butte Canyon and were placed in 1853. In 1857, ten years after the pioneers entered the Salt Lake Valley, news broke that a potential hostile United States army was coming to Utah. Brigham Young had the temple foundation covered with dirt to hide the construction of the temple. The army set camp near Utah Lake, about thirty miles south from the site and only left when the American Civil War started in 1861. When the foundation was uncovered, Brigham Young noticed that the cornerstones were flawed and concluded they wouldn’t be able to support the weight of the temple. He then decided that the foundation should be made entirely of granite, with sixteen feet thick footings.”  

This kind of foundation, this “general belief in Christ” could be considered only a “firestone” foundation which I believe will ultimately fail under the pressures of these, the latter days.

 A “granite foundation”, a big, wide one, is what is needed now.  That is to say, I (we) need more than belief,  even more than deep belief… we need a deep relationship with Christ:  One where we can truly be succored in our sorrows, our sins, our yearnings, our trials, our doubts and truly anything else that plagues us. This is the ONLY way to turn our “firestone” into “granite”.  

As I think about this, a memory of an amazing sight we saw on a hike at Meadow Lake this summer comes to mind. It was a huge rock outcropping and the roots of some trees had actually penetrated cracks in the rock, sending its roots actually in and around the rock.  The tree had grown up literally rooted within the stone. (See photo above) 

 I envision the difference between a “deep belief” vs. a “deep relationship” would be like the difference of a trees’ roots growing solely over and around a rock, verses penetrating and becoming part of the rock  (John 17:20–23, Ephesians 3:17-19).   Seeing this in person, I can say with assurity that there is absolutely no possible way for those trees to ever loose their footing even in the most severe of wind storms.

Like these embedded trees, becoming one with our Savior is not only possible, it is His greatest desire for us.

So, how do we actually do that?  Well, as I am coming to understand, the process can be different for everyone.  As varied and individual as our lives are from each other, the same is true for this process.  Our best bet is to go straight to the source; to commune with Heaven. 

I love the word implies a deep connection where both parties are "sharing and hearing with great sensitivity and receptivity " (as puts it.)   

So, let’s ask Him! (believing that He will answer-even if it’s only with this kind of faith to begin with .-Mark 9:23-24)

 Asking may be second nature to some but new and awkward for others.  The ways of hearing Heaven's answers varies greatly too! Here is a great new resource to learn how to "Hear Him" and the many, varied ways Heaven speaks to us.

For me, I am learning that answers often come as I pray with real intent and then get up and start writing (my second post talks about how this came about for me).  But most often, answers come as I study the scriptures.  

Often, while reading, a verse will open up to my mind in ways I had never thought of before, revealing layered meanings that have unmistakable answers for me. One particular experience comes to mind that I will share in a future post.

Below are a few ideas for prayer to start becoming Deeply Rooted. 

*Father, how can I deepen my relationship with my Savior Jesus Christ?   How can I come to make Him a reality in my life?

*Father, How dost Thou see me? How can I come to understand my own Divinity as Thy son or daughter? ~ How can I learn to see others in the same way, through Your eyes?

*How can I open my heart more fully to feel and receive Thy Love?- How can I have true Charity for myself and for others?

*In what ways can I best hear Thee?

It is easy to get discouraged while learning how to truly commune with Heaven. (Remember, someone else does not want you to learn this), so keep perservering despite any opposition that comes!  Our Heavenly Father always rewards effort, albeit in His time and in His way.  The struggle, the journey, It's all part of the learning!  Happy Communing!
Blessings on your day,



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