Deeply Rooted

Deeply Rooted Deep Belief vs. Deep Relationship Am I deeply rooted in Christ? That's the question of the day... I’m just going to be completely honest and vulnerable here in the hopes that I am not the only one feeling this way and maybe this soul searching can help more than myself. This morning as I awoke I pondered on my flounderings spiritually. I have felt like the last few years I have just been going in circles & spinning my wheels. Although I do feel my efforts moving me upward, it seems like for every step forward I get pushed back two. I think I know what I need to do physically, emotionally and spiritually to get from A to Z but for some reason I am having trouble actually doing it all. It just feels like everything is progressively mounting against me... (but good news...I've been told that that is a good sign though, so, ok…let's get back on the horse!) So this morning, I decided I needed to attempt AGAIN to pray with specific ...