Divine Protection

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace- Artist unknown Divine Protection (& the faith to say "but if not") In October 2015, a student at Umpqua Community College killed 9 people and injured several others. Witnesses said that he had asked a few of the victims what religion they were and others he just shot for seemingly no reason. This tragedy struck close to home for several reasons: First, my oldest son and his family are, and were, at the time of this shooting, living in Roseburg where this college is located. And secondly, the killer had asked some of his victims if they were Christian… I had never really given any thought to religious persecution at least on a personal level, I never even thought it could ever happen to me, but then this tragedy happened… Questions I had never conceived before came and persisted in my mind: Am I willing to die for the Lord and His gospel? Would I have the courage to say, yes, I am a Christian, even with a gun poi...