Pattern For Avoiding Deception

Pattern for Avoiding Deception Doctrine & Covenants 52:14-19 I chose this one to accompany this topic because of the dark surrounding the flowers... I call this acrylic "Trusting the Light". It reminds me of just that... to not fear the evil around us, knowing that Light will always triumph over darkness And when we focus on the Light and let it shine through us, the world becomes a little brighter, filling with a little more hope! We can bloom amidst the darkness! I love that the scriptures are full of patterns and recipes for a protected, joyful and abundant life! Doctrine and Covenants 52 shows us a pattern for avoiding the ever-increasing, cleverly-laid deceptions that are so prevelant in our day. As I read, I realized I have so many things to repent of and to work on but was grateful to have such a perfect, straight forward "pattern" to follow. This is what I learned: 14 And again, I will give unto you a pattern in all thing...